Nov 28 2023 Mudfossil University - I am God and I have no greater joy than to hear that my children

10 months ago

I am God and I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth
Mudfossil University Nov 26, 2023
Running a Solar System is a big requires raw materials and energy and workers....we must create planets and gases to breath and water etc....delegation of authorities and rules must be established then there is the upkeep and keeping bad people from taking advantage so must be punishments right????
I have considered the Origin of everything and there must be multiple levels of Gods as there are levels of Administrators and rulers.
This is what I would have done if I was God....
Learn about the true nature of Rocks even the ones in space. Recent DNA verified "Mudfossils" are body parts and cat scans show anatomical details exquisitely. Mudfossils are perfectly preserved mineralized (now stone) soft tissues due to continuous wet anerobic mud packed conditions. You will learn how to identify these they came to be and the ramifications which are FAR reaching. You will also see that Comet 67P is completely biological and the chemistry and anatomy and gaseous emissions are unimpeachable.
Here are the details. Respectful factual questions based on the video evidence presented are WELCOME. If you are disrespectful you are instantly gone. No tests except by you for you. Open mind required as nothing taught is correct now because all knowledge is based on a false premise...therefore the Universe is alive and life is everywhere and the Earth is made of Giants exactly as ancient texts said so there is LOTS to cover. BTW credits.

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