Quick Tip 🧐 On Researching Skincare Products

1 year ago

Our skin is selfish and only takes the good in from skincare products. The other crap our skin doesn’t like; we end up irritating our skin barrier, getting redness, rashes, and inflammation.
I always give my skin the best, and make that skinvestment. It’s the only skin I live in; I will always nourish and cherish it.
This is a friendly reminder to always do your own research on all skincare products and the proper protocols used.
Quick tip: for skincare products that come in different languages. Use Translate App. take a photo of your product, and the app will translate any language. So… Have you loved on your skin today?
Translate App comes for both Android and IPhone Users. I hope this comes in handy when it comes to researching ingredients. As well as; understanding instructions of skincare products use etc.

📍Disclaimer: I’m not an affiliate for Translate Applications; only sharing what I use to translate different languages. My skincare products may come in.
I don’t own rights to audio used in my video. I don’t want to infringe upon copyright material. Free & Fair use uploaded on #capcut app.
Videos used from PBS on IG app. I screen recorded; how I use Translate App.

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