1 year ago

, I caught it earlier today and now can't find the clip anywhere?? They said the new Pnemonia sickness coming out of China was "Mycoplasma Pneumonia". That's not a "Mystery sickness", like it was being played up, at all. And it's not new. This video is about mycoplasma and what you need to know. Basically, according to my research, this "mycoplasma pneumonia" can cause lung cancer and just becuz you dont have pneumonia symptoms, doesn't mean you do t still have mycoplasma present in lung tissue and THATS NOT GOOD. Mycoplasma causes morphology in cells and genetic mutation/replication... AKA ...CANCER. ladies and gentlemen. You want to look into this mycoplasma either way. You should know about this and the way it's been covered up for decades. How about a big ol booster of mycoplasma? Of yeah. It also takes a bit of time to proliferate as well . Check it out y'all becuz this looks to be inbound. And it has the hallmarks of Coof 2.0. Timings perfect as well and even the origin is the same...? Hitmeeeeeeeee! robbanksinc@protonmail.comAGE

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