The BAD War - By Mike King | Part 6

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This week I will be reading the entire book entitled the Bad War, written by Mike King. If you want to read along, you will need to watch the screen or purchase the book yourself here:

1- kaufmann germany must perish
2- Goebbels thanks to the jew Kaufmann
3- Yugoslavia coup 1941 british
4- rudolf hess murdered
5- catalina bismarck sinking
6- hitler plans of men in the kremlin were aimed at the domination
7- lend lease to soviets
8- stalin orders partisan warfare
9- german soldiers 10 commandments
10- red cross Auschwitz
11- hitler jewish soldiers
12- dr. eduard bloch on hitler
13- Lindbergh iowa speech America first
14- joe kennedy anti Semitism
15- stimson into the position of firing the first shot
16- day of deceit robert stinnet / infamy john toland
17- relief that crisis had come stimson
18- text of war declaration by Hirohito
19- hitler December 11 1941 reichstag speech
20- venona intercepts oppenheimer
21- 1942 time magazine man of year permission from the allies to raze Berlin
22- new york times disputing koren narrative on ‘comfort women professor draws fierce Backlash
23- ibid
24- kerr churchill meets stalin in moscow
25- brian gilman eisenhower’s significant failures as the allied commander of operation TORCH

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