The Narrow Path

1 year ago

First Fruits Ministries presents “The Narrow Path,” a Bible study presentation delivered on 11/28/2023 that discusses what's next after we confess with our mouth that "Yeshua is Yahweh" and believe in our heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, for our salvation is only the beginning of the narrow path that follows after Messiah Yeshua by the power of His Holy Spirit into His Kingdom. People can fall off the narrow path of salvation toward lawlessness on the one side or legalism on the other side, but even those who have fallen can repent and return to the Way when they approach with humble and contrite hearts that are willing to confess their sins and repent, deny this life and live for the LORD instead. As followers of Yeshua, we must continue walking along the narrow path in faith toward the narrow gate, which is Yeshua, by keeping the commandments of God and enduring in our faith in Yeshua, all the way until the End. Watch to learn more.

Review the presentation recording:
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PLEASE NOTE: First Fruits Ministries' Bible Studies are lengthy because they are designed as comprehensive and coherent messages that address as many nuances of a topic as possible. You are invited to watch each message in part until you have completed them at your own pace.

Sources Quoted/Used within this study:
* New King James Version of Scripture: (
* Discovery Bible, HELPS Word-studies: (
* Corner Fringe Ministries, Sermon by Pastor Daniel Joseph, "In the Beginning," Part 6, which discusses Proverbs 8 and "Wisdom" and the relationship with Yeshua:

Intro/Exit Music: 

• Revelation Song by Shane and Shane:

A big thank you (תודה רבה) to Pastor Daniel Joseph of Corner Fringe Ministries for his mentorship, friendship and prayers. Thank you to Pastor Kraig Dorney and Pastor Mike Sutcliffe for their work on the Mighty Man program. Visit Corner Fringe on YouTube at or on the Web at

May our Lord Yeshua be with you always, even to the end of the age!

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