🚨BREAKING: I just reintroduced articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas!

10 months ago

🚨BREAKING: I just reintroduced articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas!

While some members, like Tom McClintock, want to bloviate endlessly while imagining themselves wearing a powdered wig, the American people want action.

These members whine about “due process” while protecting Mayorkas from facing accountability for his violation of our border security laws.

Impeachment IS due process. It would put Mayorkas in front of the Senate to face trial.

We’ve seen the evidence of him breaking the law. It’s time for the Senate to try him for it.

Today, I reintroduced my articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas because impeachment is EXACTLY what the founders intended for the House to do when a member of the executive branch intentionally violates the laws written by the legislative branch.


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