Gundam Assault Survive Roster Overview: Earth Federation U.C. 0079

1 year ago

Finally, a roster overview for Gundam Assault Survive's 0079 lineup of EFSF units.
Gundam 01:25
Prototype Gundam 02:16
Gundam(Magnetic Coating) 03:06
G-3 Gundam 03:44
Gundam G04 04:43
Gundam G05 05:27
Mudrock 06:13
Gundam Ground Type 07:14
GM Head 08:11
Ez-8 09:00
Alex 09:44
Full Armor Gundam 10:21
Guncannon 11:19
MP Guncannon 12:13
MP Guncannon WD 12:54
Guntank 14:02
BD-1 15:23
BD-3 16:36
GM 17:15
GM WD 17:41
GM Ground Type 18:37
GM Early Type 19:33
GM Cold Districts 20:39
GM Command 21:18
GM Command Space 22:09
GM Sniper II 22:45
GM Sniper II WD 23:43
GM Cannon 24:31
GM Cannon WD 24:57
Ball 25:55
Ball K-Type 26:15
Ball(Shark Mouth) 26:52
Type 61 MBT 27:22
G-Bull 27:48
Gundam(Last Shooting) 28:45

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