Shooter's Christmas Tree - A Seasonal Shooting Special

1 year ago

As we get closer to Christmas (and decorating the tree), it's time to start pulling out old Christmas decorations. There's just one catch - some of the ornaments are getting a little old. They'll make great targets, though!

We use them to decorate a lovely old piece of scrap metal that's certainly seen brighter days, and start a little informal competition.

It was so informal that we ended up changing the rules after the first round.
1. You can hit a maximum of three targets in a row
2. The first target of each round, you're allowed two shots (in case you miss the first)
3. Targets 2 & 3 are only allowed one shot each.
4. Miss too much, the round is over for you.
5. First to 10 points wins.
After the first round, we added one more rule:
6. Difficult targets may only be shot as target #3, and are worth 2 points.

Chris used a CZ 457 in .22LR, with a PR5 5-25X56 scope atop it. To keep things somewhat fair, he was limited to a maximum of 8X magnification. Scott used a Remington 514 in .22LR, with a 3X Malcolm Short Scope on top.

00:00 Introduction

00:53 Round 1

06:34 Rules 2

07:11 Round 2

12:49 Night Time
As it turns out, it's difficult to film with the phone at night. And it was getting pretty darn cold. So we decided to end with a tie.

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