Dress for the occasion (The Marriage feast of the King’s Son Matthew 22:1-14)

10 months ago

Dress for the occasion (The Marriage feast of the King’s Son Matthew 22:1-14)
Have you ever showed up to an event to discover that you are horribly underdressed for the occasion? Everyone else is dressed to kill and you roll in wearing a pair of flip flops, some wore out jeans, and a comfortable t-shirt. If you have not been the one to do it, then I am sure that you have been at an event and seen someone else stumble into this situation. Our parable tells us in verses 11 and 12 that a guest showed up to the wedding party and they noticeably stood out for being under dressed, so much so that the King went over and asked how this person even got through the doors wearing the outfit they were wearing. It seems this person had duped everyone else at the party and got in, but He could not fool the King.
In Revelations 3:17 Jesus is speaking to the Laodicean church; He tells them that they say they are rich and in need of nothing but, they are poor, blind, and naked. Everything seemed to be going great in the natural world, but they weren’t wearing what they thought they were in the spiritual world and Jesus saw right through it. We can fool our friends, family, communities, co-workers, and fellow church goers with our outward appearance and actions but when you stand before the King (God) everything comes into light. The last thing you want to do is be in the presence of God and think everything is okay and you are dressed properly only to be exposed for what you truly are, a fraud. The best piece of advice I can leave you with today comes from the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 13:5; “Examine yourself, whether you be in the faith.”

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