Nuri Muhammad – Fast Food Restaurants are Drugging us with Toxic Manmade Addicting Chemicals

1 year ago

This is true. Chick-fil-A removed their ingredients list the day after this was exposed. We have to know the shit they are putting in “foods”. You can’t even label them foods, they are drugs to make us sick so we can go the doctor to get some “drugs” that will bandaid symptoms but down that drug will be responsible for presenting more symptoms.

As Nuri Muhammad says, "they are Dope Sandwiches."

They are gradually destroying our immune systems so when they decide to release a virus the elderly are the first to go as they are the ones with the weakest immune systems. They are also the first ones targeted for their healthy jabs – their Fauci Ouchies.

Do you see how the game is designed?

Addictive Chemicals does not lead to better health. What a fraudulent “healthcare” system we have.

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