Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 11-29-23: Revelation 12 – Past or Future Interpretation?

1 year ago

About a year and a half ago I spent some time thinking about the coming Antichrist. In so doing, I considered thoughts from various Bible prophecy teachers who wrote books on the subject. My Prophecy Update titled Antichrist Ruminations was the result of my survey.

From that effort, because my article was posted on Rapture Ready, that attracted the attention of Charles (Ken) Bassett who wrote the book: Can We Know? Subsequently, Ken changed the book’s title to: God Says Count the Number 666 – Why the Church Can Discover the Identity of the Antichrist, which can be found on Amazon by that name. He then wrote a subsequent book titled: Empire of the Antichrist – Why the Antichrist Will Come from Rome, which expands his thesis.

Ken and I started talking and became friends. Recently I asked him a question that niggled at me when I read his books. Here’s that question:

In reading your books, you spoke of the Jews fleeing to Pella, if I recall correctly, after the A/C temple desecration. From what I can determine, the Jews might have gone there during their 70AD flight, but why did you choose Pella over Petra for the Tribulation run for the hills?

His response, and my reaction to it, are the focus of the Prophecy Update today. As you’ll see, the issue becomes one of timing for Revelation 12 regarding the era to which it refers. Does that chapter describe past events or future ones?

Maybe this topic is only one that interests prophecy geeks like Ken and me. On the other hand, because there’s so much focus on Israel today – rightly so – it may be that this is more pertinent than any of us realize.

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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