Rifle Association: A Fine Line Between Patriotism and Christian Insurrection

1 year ago

The National Rifle Association has been at the center of debate for decades. Founded in 1871 to advance rifle marksmanship and true patriotism, the modern NRA has become a prominent gun rights lobbying organization blending politics and sometimes religion with its original patriotic objective.

The Battle against Civil Rights profoundly affected the NRA and similar organizations. As the Christian Identity movement advanced its own blend of religion and politics to declare the political leaders of the 50s and 60s to be “Communists,” membership in organizations protecting the Second Amendment became very popular within white supremacy. So much so that organizations such as the Louisiana Rifle Association were fronts for Klan organizations. The LRA was a front for the Ku Klux Klan organization led by Roy E. Davis, William Branham’s mentor and Healing Revival evangelist.

Identity groups leveraged the power of these organizations to lobby for their Second Amendment rights. At the same time, they exercised those rights to arm themselves against Blacks, Asians, Jews, and even United States law enforcement and military officials. Political movements such as the National States Rights Party were formed to spread propaganda that both Republicans and Democrats had failed the “white race” and the Bible and linked that propaganda to fears of global conflict with China, Russia, and more as an alleged battle between government systems and “enemies of Jewry” Interestingly, the States Rights Party had a PO Box in Jeffersonville, Indiana, where Davis planted what would later become the Branham Tabernacle, the “Mecca” for the “Message cult and its many splinter groups.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Louisiana Rifle Association:

National States Rights Party:

The Surprising History of the NRA:

How the NRA Became a “Lobbying Juggernaut”:

The Secret History of Gun Rights: How Lawmakers Armed the N.R.A.:

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