Ukraine destroys 15 Russian Kinzhal missiles with Patriot system

1 year ago

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After obtaining certain samples of Western air defense systems, the Armed Forces were able to target hypersonic and ballistic missiles used by Russian occupiers. The Ukrainian Air Defense Forces have already intercepted dozens of such types of weaponry, reports the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, Yurii Ihnat, in an interview with Novynarnia.
"Currently, we have already downed 15 Kinzhals, plus dozens of downed ballistic missiles headed for Kyiv. The Patriot has proven itself," said the colonel.
The representative of the Armed Forces notes that as of September last year, the Defense Forces had no Western models of weaponry - only Soviet.
"Yes, the S-125 system in small quantities. Yes, Osa is in the Air Defense Forces. Yes, Shilka, anti-aircraft artillery. There were no mobile firing groups. We began destroying enemy missiles and drones mainly with Buk-M1 and S-300 missiles," he said.
At the beginning of the large-scale invasion by Russian occupiers, Ukraine consistently appealed to partner countries either to close its skies or provide defense tools.
"In October 2022, we received the first complexes from partners: when Russians shelling of Ukrainian infrastructure began, the first NASAMS arrived. Two batteries, with only three installations. This was very little. Then the IRIS-T battery arrived. It also went in the capital direction because everything was flying toward Kyiv at that time," Ihnat explained.
Previously, Ukrainian air defense could not shoot down Kinzhals, but with the appearance of the Patriot SAM system in the army, it became possible.
Defense Express reported that the Ukrainian military could first shoot down a Kinzhal on May 4 and published photographs of debris from a certain missile. Later, this information was confirmed by the Air Force.
After that, during the night of May 16, the Russians again attacked Ukraine with Kinzhals, and the Air Defense Forces shot down all six enemy missiles of this type. - click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &
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