Ask Your Physics Professor - "Unlocked Mind" page #56

1 year ago

For the pagan winter/summer solstice carnavals, send out greeting cards including the following insert (attached text below). Images as well can be found on

Open scientific and intellectual inquiry to anyone, anywhere - starting with all "PhDs in physics" - to demonstrate any of the following regarding the shape and motion of the earth.  If one can not demonstrate evidence of any single element of the concepts below, and one must verify all for consideration, then the earth is SIMPLY NOT A SPINNING BALL but a motionless circular plain as defined in the Holy Scripture of the Holy Creator.

1.  No motion:  Water (or any liquid) left at rest shows no motion.
2.  No curve:  water (or any liquid) is always flat on its surface.
3.  "space" is fake:  no air pressure on earth without a container.
4.  Jet trails are always flat.
5.  "gravity" by definition is not universal:  ice and wood float on water, birds and insects fly, less spin towards the “poles” so less "gravity" therefore “weight” - never observed, absurd

- ANY indication of motion of the earth
- ANY evidence of "curvature of the earth"
- Evidence of people supposedly “living upside down” in the Southern Hemisphere (physically absurd)
- These two observations alone are enough to destroy "heliocentrism" and the "Copernican theory" of rotating celestial bodies.
- Any evidence of water not maintaining its observably flat surface but "curving" around and adhering to the exterior of anything, especially spinning balls
- Any evidence of airplanes "flying around a curve" instead of flying straight and level at the same altitude
- Any evidence of God in the Bible creating a spinning ball hurling around the sun and traveling through "space" at 1.8 million mph
- Any evidence that "stars" are anything but lights in the sky fixed in the firmament, as explained in the Bible
- Any proof of the THEORIES of "gravity" or "relativity" (both are frauds, proven by a simple analysis of their definition and foundational assumptions)
- Why and how does the theory of "gravity" not only overcome but completely reverse the direction of centrifugal force?
- Any evidence objects turn upside down when traveling south to north between "hemispheres"
- Any evidence that a pressurized gas system can exist next to a vacuum, such as the relatively weak atmospheric pressure of the earth next to the supposed "infinite vacuum" of "space" without a barrier
- Any evidence that vertical objects, i.e., buildings, protrude from a curving surface such that buildings extend perpendicularly from the curved surface and become wider apart the taller they grow.
- Any evidence that plumb lines on a sphere hang parallel, meaning all buildings built on the plumb line (and 99.9% are) should have expanding walls as the building height increases.  But none do, which is observable by looking at any city skyline.
- Any evidence of the "gravitational constant," i.e., any object pulling another based on its size.  If it existed, no dandelion could float away on the breeze and no insect or bird could fly, and no human could leap from the surface.  In reality, the same force that hold trillions of tons of ocean water "tight to the spinning earth" would also have to pull everything else at the same tension, otherwise it is relative and it can not be and still be a "universal force," but it does not.
- Where does the "theory of gravity" explain how "gravity" works in thin air but not in water, such as anything that falls in air but floats in water, such as ice, a block of wood, any plastic, and even the human body?  Where and how does "gravity" explain how 300 tons of rolled steel will sink in the ocean but a 300-ton ship will never sink and can carry 900 tons of cargo?  Why does the "theory of gravity" not explain any of this, as well as why an aircraft weighs 40 tons on the airstrip but weighs less than air after it rolls 80 mph down the runway?  How can "gravity" selectively hold trillions of tons of ocean water to the earth but let dandelions, birds, and insects float away in the breeze and humans leap from the surface of the earth?  Why does the "theory of gravity" not address ANY of these glaring inconsistencies but rather it depends on an absurd man-made concoction of a vacuum for its ONLY MEASUREMENT???
- Why does the calculated elevation using heliocentric dimensions of any midpoint between two distant points, such as Kansas City, MO as a midpoint between San Francisco, CA and NYC (d=2500 miles) yield 200 miles instead of the actual 920 ft?
- Using the geometrically accurate rate of "curve of the earth" of eight inches per mile-squared, how does the SR-71 traveling at Mach 3.2 achieve the incredible rate of descent of 59,982 feet per minute to match the "curve of the earth"?
- Open request:  turn all these "space cameras" such as the "Hubble telescope" back towards earth and show people - real time - in San Francisco and Sydney walking upright in their respective locations - it has never happened and never will because all "space programs" are nothing but luciferian sorcery and have no substance whatsoever.
- Why did his majesty "Einstein" ("One Stone" in German - a reference to "IQ 1" or low intelligence) proclaim in 1922 that "the motion of the earth can not be detected by any optical experiment"?
- Do the sun and moon actually exist as objects or are they only lights in the sky?
- Why does a Total Solar Eclipse project a shadow on earth which is 165.9 miles, compared to the diameter of the moon which is 2,158.8 miles when shadows get bigger in real life?
- How is a Selenelion eclipse possible on a heliocentric model if you're on the side of earth facing the moon?
- Why does the earth's spin does not slow down during the bends of the elliptical orbit?
- Why is a star trajectory around the North Star Polaris so inconsistent with earth's spin?
- Why is the equator the hottest spot on earth if it's constantly wobbling on its axis?
- If it's because "the equator is the closest spot to the sun," why does earth's tilt affect seasons?
- If earth is constantly wobbling on its axis and hurtling through “space,” why does the North Star Polaris never move?
- What's keeping earth on its magical axis?
- Why do the stars not have parallax?
- How does the moon shine a cold light if it's reflecting off the sun?
- Why does the sun have crepuscular rays if it's 93 million miles away?
- What contains the earth’s air pressure?  What is the barrier against the “infinite vacuum” of space?
- How does an astrolabe still work with perfect precision to this day?
- Why don't jet trails "curve around the globe"?
- Why don't ships "disappear over the horizon"?
- Why doesn't the sun "set below the horizon"?
- What is the analemma and why doesn't "school science" address it?
- What evidence exists of the "universe" except "nasa"?
- What is the “impenetrable barrier in space,” i.e., the “Van Allen Belts,” announced by the “space industry”?
- How can the "sun in the center" theoretical model - "heliocentrism" - defy so many observed scientific and physical obstacles and still exist as the scientific fairy tale that it is, and is more a fairy tale than a theory?
- How can "science" admit such a gross violation of the known n-body problem as the "spinning wobbling sun-galaxy heliocentrism"?
- A raw egg will not spin and demonstrates how the earth could not maintain its "rotation" if such existed.
- All water is flat, such that a pool has measurements on each wall showing how deep the water is - and it matches all around the pool.  The same goes for the ocean with sea level being zero.  The sea level of the ocean makes one big flat plane the same as any swimming pool.  How does such a large mass of water curve around the “globe”?
- Ice floats in water and a child's helium balloon floats in the air.  So how is the buoyancy of these objects stronger than all the supposed "gravity" in all the world?
- If "gravity" is so strong, why can’t it pull a simple drop of water off a leaf?
- Jet and rocket propulsion depend on air density as a barrier against expanding exhaust.  Air density unavoidably decreases proportionately with altitude.  What happens when decreased propulsion (due to decreasing air density) can no longer support the weight of the rocket?

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