BPD Breakup Men The "Man Up Be Tough" Has Nothing To Do With Breakup and Will Not Win Back BPD Ex

2 years ago

BPD Breakup Men The "Man Up Be Tough" Has Nothing To Do With Breakup and Will Not Win Back BPD Ex

Why is this harmful BPD Breakup "advice" being given to men by a man on Youtube? Men need not ever "man up" or "be tough". Each man needs to be who he authentically is and find that out after a BPD Breakup in a healing and recovery journey. If a man tries to man up or be tough, deny his own needs and wants it is even more painful. What you do as a man with a BPD woman (untreated or even undiagnosed) is not the cause of why she breaks up with you, ghosts or discards you. Men need to know it is NOT YOUR FAULT!

https://ajmahari.ca - Sessions - Contact - Blog
https://bpdbreakups.com - Blog - Podcasts

#BPDBreakup #BPDWomenDevastateMen ajmahari


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