Dr. Jim Garrow on Obama's Litmus Test: Will Military Leaders Fire on US Citizens?

1 year ago

This video is a rehash of an event that happened over 10 years ago under the Obama administration.

To the Editor: The Progress - Index
Published April 4, 2014
Unless your head has been firmly planted in the sand, you are probably aware of the "litmus test for military advancement." I have had more than one armed forces officer inform me that the litmus test is indeed real. Here is how it works. Two questions are asked of officers, especially generals for consideration for advancement. 1) Will you confiscate guns from Americans if ordered? 2) If ordered, will you fire upon Americans if they refuse? Yes answers qualify advancements, thus populating the armed forces with treacherous leaders, while culling out honorable ones. This is made possible through your tax dollars. Now you know why the founding fathers and the Constitution discourage standing armies.

Nobel Prize nominee and author of "Pink Pagoda: One Man's Quest to End Gendercide in China", Dr. Jim Garrow was contacted by a high ranking retired military official about the "litmus test." The whistleblower implored Garrow to reveal what the Obama Administration was doing. Garrow claimed that in one radio broadcast, over 40 officers called in and confirmed the litmus test was real.
Search You Tube: Civil War and the Litmus Test.
John K. Rooney

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