Bret and Heather 201st DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Unchecked & Out of Balance

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In this 201st in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evolutionary lens.

In this episode we discuss New York’s emergency rule 2.13, which has now been reinstated after being overturned, and which paves the way for quarantine camps in order to “control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease.” We also discuss penguins, their ability to tell each other apart based on the dots on their chests, and why that’s important.


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Mentioned in this episode:

New York Codes: Section 2.13 Isolation and Quarantine Procedures:

Attorney Bobby Ann Cox on 11-19-23: Appellate Court Paves the Way for Quarantine Camps!

Not just a tuxedo:

Baciadonna et al 2024. African penguins utilize their ventral dot patterns for individual recognition. Animal Behaviour, 207: 13-21.

Prospering with Integrity: (use code DarkHorse25 for 25% off)

(00:00) Wait
(06:28) Welcome
(09:38) Sponsors
(16:18) Macrobes
(18:18) Quarantine in NY
(31:58) HPV
(37:48) Back to quarantine law
(52:18) Being social
(56:28) How do we recognize individuals
(59:08) Penguins
(01:13:38) Peak prosperity series and merch
(01:20:13) Wrap up

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