congratulations, you are officially over the influence

1 year ago

so many xmas trees!
i still have rokie, i don't have the heart to throw him away
things that were once alive i can't accept are dead
this keyboard is not high tech so i can actually figure it out
sometimes i wish i was better w/ technology
i don't kid myself about what i ain't good at
this probably looks a lot more dangerous than it actually is
we also do this all the time
i get that mindset cos you get used to doin sumin n it's just second nature
you're no longer under the influence, you're over the influence
i have the motivation to do this now
i listen to a lotta synth bands
i love that little intro song
this happens all the time w/ the battery
only 4 double AA batteries
$2.99 at goodwill
i am jealous of this ability that others apparently have involving MIDI
this just makes me so happy
that woof is just golden
i have many posters that require coloring
i'm doing a lotta religious posters in the next couple of weeks cos my church is doing a craft thingamagig
i knew that i wasn't gonna shoot another video tonight, i dunno why i said that shit

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