Empires of Media & Communication as Revolution - Blood $atellite

1 year ago

While discussing the recent celebratory destruction of the infamous Robert E. Lee statue, Dimes and Judas launch into a discussion of Hot/Cold media as it relates to resurrection, and the foundational book “Empire and Communications” by Harold Innis. Through this they discuss the power struggle for knowledge between the center of fringes on society through the creation of new media forms, and how this relates to the rise and fall of entire civilizations.

Taken from Episode #239 – If 9/11 Was a 1984 [“physical which empowered them on the Avesta”].

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0:00 – Robert E. Lee Statue Melted Down Into a Meme

07:41 – Hot vs. Cold Media and the Statue’s Ascension Through Destruction

13:16 – “Empire and Communications” Discussion Begins

15:27 – Time vs. Space in Communication Media

18:02 – The Function of Monopolies of Knowledge in Inspiring Innovation

20:46 – The Cognitive Tradeoff Hypothesis in the World of Symbols

23:54 – Historical Examples of Media Struggles and Clerical Classes

30:20 – The Socratic Dialogue as the Eternal Western Dialectic

39:41 – Dissidents Not Innovating Time-Based Media to Outpace Power

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