Inarticulate Installation 5

1 year ago

We were given life by the very breath of God in the beginning, as we know, the greatest deceiver in the history of creation, the very Devil himself, Lucifer, is roaming in this world, this world is now Satan's kingdom.

From the beginning of time, Satan wanted to be God himself, as mentioned in ISAIAH 14:14 which Lucifer stated:

“ I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. ”

Satan cannot create, but he can and has manipulated of what God has already created, we seen this happen in the Garden of Eden, the brotherhood of Cain and Abel and The Nephilim in the times of Noah..

We are continuing to see this effort made by Satan, he is still manipulating, only today, it is the entire world, the entire population, the entire creation being convinced to bend the knee to him, while the blind follow that, the awake and aware are seeing a conclusion of Satan's version of life, Christ will and is coming back as a LION!

One of the biggest trends humanity has seen, is technology. Technology has come a very long way from the first known cellphone in 1973 to what we call today, " MetaHuman ".

Brothers and sisters, the advancement of technology had began as something of interest, assistance and a helping hand.
Today, it is the dependency and the very life of everything both living and dying. Life as we once knew, is constantly being replaced and molded by something artificial.. something fake.

We will discuss the errors and dangers within this Artificial Intelligence push that this world is influencing now and diving deeply into the Google I.D. Pill, Robotic Surgery and more, all involving the terrifying reality, that this God created world.. is becoming a satanic, artificial society.


God bless you all!

We are seeing so called musicians who had sold their souls for fame and fortune even being replaced by artificial celebrities, not only are celebrities worshipped as an idol now, but soon, they will be more fake than the idols themselves and still be worshipped, all in the deception of thinking they can live forever in technology to escape the wrath of God.

Men and Women have been replaced with robotics

The natural human mind and consciousness has been replaced with what is called " Artificial Intelligence "

Our own imaginations are now frowned upon and dependent on man made applications

Foods we are told to consume are now coming to be fake and holding zero nutrition

The world we live in is being manipulated into a virtual world with a wearable visor

It has come so far, that the natural birth of a newborn baby, has now become the downloaded file for one massive computer program.

Medical Treatments

And much more..

In this project we will bring light to the dark side of not only technology, but the very source of technology:

Artificial Intelligence.

Virtual Reality to the image of the beast...

Life as we once knew it, is not the same and life as we know it, will never be the same after this.

So how do we know what to do in a technological world such as this?

Do we adapt?

Do we go extinct?

All it takes, is a flip of a switch now, a code to activate perhaps, Satan's time is growing short and we see this through the production of lies

It will manifest, it has already begun, open your eyes and realize that this type of transmission in this world that was once created for us..

is now for the Inarticulate Installation.


God bless you all!✝️

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