The De-Civilization of America

1 year ago

In the wake of the nationwide BLM/Antifa insurrection, the DemonicRats defunded the police, and then tie the hands of those still willing to work such a thankless job in our nation's cities where you might be sentenced to life in prison for simply doing your job by arresting a man pumped-up with enough Fentanyl to kill five horses wo's acting crazy.
Now, business and people are leaving these Democrat-run cities, because they're suffering unsustainable amounts of of larceny, shoplifting, and rampant crime. Meanwhile, in response to the widespread lawlessness and exodus of people and business from cities like San Fransicko, Communist Governors like Gruesome Newsom are calling-in the National Guard to enforce the laws in these broken and aching cities rather than re-examine and change the policies, which they created to begin with, that made them the hellholes that they now right are.

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