Botox in your arm? (Involuntary Shaking)

1 year ago

Involuntary movements and other bizarre symptoms, facial & body movements. Opening up about his condition, talking about the physical symptoms. The symptoms are throughout the body. The struggle is spoken with transparency, it opens doors for further areas of the film that explore human suffering and the human experience. In this video Roadz Of Life (who suffers a condition) interviews someone else who also faces involuntary movements and other bizarre symptoms. The interview is fascinating, diving into strange interesting topics.

Kidney transplant was a direct result of...

The extreme suffering this man has experienced in life is sad, confronting and intrigues the mind. I asked him how it affected him socially? Kidney failure, 5 years on Dialysis, 3 times a week, 5 hours at a time. Receiving a kidney transplant, body sores covering his arm and legs, his tongue involuntary moves and his hands tremor.

Footage taken from the Roadz Of Life documentary.

This interview haunts me, it's a deep part of my own recovery journey, nightmarish rehabilitation. Hidden in the back of my skull, the years pass, but the memories still remain. Scars run deep, loss, relationships. I would cry editing this interview, stomach in knots. Thinking of my son, future generations. What can I learn from this mans interview?

How did he end up with kidney failure? The ongoing complications, and what life is like on dialysis. He talked about his experiences and opinions with raw honesty, balls out and I didn't shy away from asking. We dived into relatable topics far beyond his own pain.

Roadz Of Life explores some of the more difficult sides of life. Sharing our stories and struggles can also encourage others to reach out about how they are feeling too. Beautiful, artistic, raw, down to earth, outside the box film making. Roadz Of Life jump starts your feelings and thoughts. These are complex topics.

Footage taken from full length Documentary Roadz Of Life

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