Multipolar Reality with Matt Ehret: The Fascist Origins of the Austrian School

1 year ago

Is Javier Millei truly a freedom loving leader or is he a Trojan Horse? How did the Austrian School emerge out of the Hapsburg Empire durin the 19th century, and why have so many leading supporters of the Austrian School advised fascist regimes- from Austria in 1919 to Brazil in 1964 and Chile under Pinochet? What is the Mont Pelerin Society and why did this force of liberalism work so closely with the "Socialist" Fabian Society of HG Wells and how have both advanced two pathways to the same world state advocated by Friedrich von Hayek in 'The Road to Serfdom'? How has the left been infiltrated by Keynesian globalists as part of a controlled opposition to undermine the National systems of political economy as advanced by Abraham Lincoln, Friedrich List, William McKinley, Franklin Roosevelt, Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and John F Kennedy?

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