Hypocrites In Heels: The View Defend Biden Mental Slips, Jump On Trump

1 year ago

For years now, the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View have denounced attempts to draw attention to President Biden’s obvious mental decline. Their responses to the criticisms and warning bells had been to call those pointing it out “ageist” and try to explain away the inexplicable things Biden was saying and doing, all while largely refusing to play video of it. But on Tuesday, they decided they wanted to be blatant hypocrites and cackle at an edited video of former President Trump misspeaking and having gaffes while suggesting those focused on Biden were the real hypocrites.

“You know, a lot people -- A lot of people are wondering if you-know-who is a couple of steps slower on the campaign trail after a string of – how shall I say, hmm, mental lapses,” moderator Whoopi Goldberg quipped ahead of the video montage. “Being confused about who actually is currently serving as president right now. He's saying he's doing it on purpose, but we would like you to judge for yourselves.”

The first to spout off at length was former Trump White House staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin, who said Trump was “delu-lu” (slang for “delusional”) and how she never really thought he was that smart. “You can watch him. He is not as sharp as he was in 2016; and many of us would argue he wasn't that sharp then. You see a real decline in him. It is a fact that you can't get past,” she proclaimed. (…)

• More at: NewsBusters - Hypocrites in Heels: The View Defends Biden's Mental Slips, Jump on Trump Gaffes
• Related: Rumble - The View Decries Trump Prosecutor… Because She Charged A Georgia Rapper

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