The Housewife, the Ghost Hunter, and the Poltergeist - The Castro Files #59

1 year ago

Welcome back to The Castro Files. In this episode we have the story of Alma Fielding who was an interesting character of the 1930's. Alma reported that strange things were occurring at her home to include objects mysteriously flying around, eggs being thrown, wine glasses breaking, and sharp objects being thrown at head height. So much happened that newspapers caught wind and began running headlines. Was there a poltergeist in the home or was there a rational explanation? Soon after the famous ghost hunter, Nandor Fodor, would come to investigate. What Fodor found would throw all of Alma's claims into question. But, as always, you be the judge.
#dream #horrorstories #creepy #podcast

1. 'The housewife, the ghost hunter and the poltergeist' by: Kate Summerscale:

Beth's Instagram: @lamama07
Greg's Instagram: @greg_lamontagne

Episode Produced and Edited by:
Peter McGuire @peter_mcguire1

Check out the Instagram for all the photos from the podcast:

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