BPD Breakup Independence Individuation & Interdependence - 3 "I's" of Codependent Recovery

2 years ago

BPD Breakup Independence Individuation & Interdependence - 3 "I's" of Codependent Recovery

BPD Breakup - so often they are not the end and the way to heal and end your pain and move forward is to find your own emotional independence, individuation, and Interdependence. These are the three "I's" of Codependent Recovery. Codependents need to focus on self, on getting to heal and know more fully who you are are - your "I".

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#BPDBreakup #CodependentRecovery #ajmahari
The 3 "I's" of Codependent Recovery after Cluster B Relationships
Independence Individuation Interdependence

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