Hospitals are Dumping or Elderly on the Streets. What Can We Do About It?

1 year ago

Well for starters you can stop believing this crap. Or if you are outraged, go to the hospital and pick yourself up a elderly. They roam around the perimeter of the hospital. In packs. Like the dingo's. You have to be careful, though. Some might have a tooth and at their age they know how to use it. I, myself, have been an AARP member for almost 7 years. So it's ok if I talk about this serious problem. I've been on trapping teams were we go out late at night(this is when they are most active) and chase them, walkers and all, on to a waiting ice floe. This is not an easy task. We have on shoes without spikes making it hard to keep our footing while they have cut tennis balls on the ends of their walkers giving them a traction control only found in northern countries like Cuba. When cornered, you will need back up, for these vicious old folks will break out a set on old school ginsu knives that have finally gone dulll and come at you with them. Not scary you say but these are like the punji stakes from Nam. Covered in feces of the elderly these ginsus with dookie on them can cause rashes if they penetrate your stab vest. When finally captured and put on the ice floe, one must throw them some yarn and a crochet needle to distract them so you can push the ice floe off. Once the ice floe starts to move and they realize they've been had, there will be loud noises coming from the area of their head. Not to worry, this is them trying to communicate with you. There will be gum smacking happening but shortly thereafter they will forget they are on a floe and go back to the yarn. On a really hard case, you can sometimes throw a cat in with the yarn and needle and somehow some way the cat will multiply by 20 or more before the ice floe is shoved off giving you time to shove the ice floe off. Always wear your gloves and remember, there are always packs of elderly roaming around our hospitals looking for someone to talk to. Happy hunting.

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