New Journal... 1st Loose Entry

1 year ago

The last journal was recently lost to an intentional fire. I am being told it had to go... there was nothing else of value to be gleamed from its pages. So this new journal was given to me by my little sister Danielle! I love you wherever you are... always hustling bustling and rustling. I have always cherished this journal and the lack of lines allowed for me to really flow photographic who-sits and what-sits upside-down and really whatever the hell I wanted to do... at the time I needed to use my paper Pensieve. Dumbledore would be proud. If only he would look up from the fact that hes dead... spoiler alert... he dies in the books.. I feel there has elapsed an adequate amount of time for you (reader) to know that... but I digress... he died... and the kid in stranger things drew a map to his hideout on construction paper. I am going to embed them in the walls...of the house and temple of the Star of David... Victor of Danielle... and Brother of Steven. Love you Zack... Love you Addison. The future wakes up checking out its new threads and wonders... what should we weave today... what will you weave today? Pray or Prey? Night or Day? I chose grey... void in the stars... hazy even from where you are... channeled and routed like rivers on my multi layered board of back stories and buildings left empty. Zanoni letting go of his son... it rips you a new 1. I still Love it all... I just only read half the book and move on to something else. I am really done now... the video should be encoded... I will work on 360 footage... I have it... I just lack certain abilities to get it to a functioning video that you can pan around and see all angles... yet. Bye.

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