Draconian times 2.0

1 year ago

FYI: The censorship, shadow banning and view counter manipulation of all my social media even bitchute has never been as bad as it is now! and I would like to ask for your help, in sharing my content and liking or disliking it, so to get a better idea of the actual numbers of people seeing my content, that will be much appreciated thanks.

This video update on the never-ending madness, it’s a continuation of this Must Watch video here: https://rumble.com/v3x4ivv-these-draconian-times.html Called these Draconian times, which is being heavily censored, for example, it is almost impossible to find through searches, furthermore notwithstanding me again and again explaining how the state arbiters of this global social engineering program, operate especially in relation to the virtual movie fabrications, and propaganda campaigns against me, which are broadcasted all over the world every single day, since the inception of this program, they are not only continuing this never-ending merry-go-round, they are actually intensifying their campaigns.

In this video I specifically address the latest outrageous propaganda campaign and virtual movie fabrications supposedly depicting me Stephen Bell engaging in all sorts of extremely depraved sex acts with myself or others? all of this is nothing more than a huge PSYOP, to get people’s attention away especially the Danish people, for the very fundamental facts, that the Draconian intelligence agency PET and the corrupted Danish state, have yet again failed in sabotaging campaign against my small business one stop engine shop At: https://motorbutikken.dk/ which is only becoming more popular with time, which is something that they are desperately trying to stop from occurring organically, is for these reasons that they are running so many campaigns against my small business, as they are against me personally.

The failure of this attempt to sabotage one stop engine shop is directly what led to their mass broadcasted propaganda campaign of the 27 November 2023, and that is what this video update is all about deciding the PSYOPS

PS, there are so many things going on against me here and now, that I have not mentioned in this video, for example endless sleep deprivation every day more or less, constant electromagnetic bombardment attacks causing me, causing all kinds of physiological problems for me, that they are using in their propaganda campaigns to ridicule me, they are trying to normalize defrauding me of my Seat Ibiza from 2018 that I have had for sale for more than six months, and it is still being prohibited for being sold, while they deliberate defrauding me of my car, the normalization of these extrajudicial acts by the government and intelligence agency PET is being normalized on Denmark national broadcasting service Denmark radio, especially on FM P3, I kid you not they are using the FM stations to run PSYOPS on the general public against me Stephen Bell on new levels.
This is what the future holds a dystopia nightmare for all.


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