BPD NPD Relationship Breakup or BPD NPD Family Member or Friend? Ask A J. Mahari - A New Service

2 years ago

BPD NPD Relationship Breakup or BPD NPD Family Member or Friend? Ask A J. Mahari - A New Service

BPD NPD relationship or relationship breakup, Family Member, Favorite person of BPD or NPD or friend of someone with BPD or NPD or perhaps co-morbidly both I have a new service that I've been doing for a month and a half or so now "Ask A.J. Mahari" wherein you can purchase 1 question for $59.99 to get an in depth expert response to and 1 follow up or 4 questions for $99.99 with my responses and your one follow up (each or all together) and my one follow up after that. This service has been going very well and is designed to offer more in depth help and information to people who can't afford a session or just want to ask a question or questions.

This is not a replacement for one-to-one sessions with me but many have found it very helpful already.

https://ajmahari.ca - Sessions - Contact - Blog - Ebooks & Audios - Courses
Ask A.J. 1 Questions $59.99 or 4 $99.99 https://ajmahari.ca/2023/01/ask-a-j-mahari/
https://survivingbpdrelationshipbreakup.com - Podcasts & Blog

#BPDNPDBreakup #BPDRelationships #AskAJMahari

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