The Shield of Faith

1 year ago

Faith is not timid but courageous and fearless. Faith calls, it calls those things which do not exist as though they did. Even in the midst of dire circumstances, it calls us to victory. Faith is a Spirit and it is a force of God. Faith does not doubt or fear but only believes. Faith is loud in its calling and is not ashamed of the gospel. Faith is strong and does not waver at the promises of God. Faith gives all the glory to God and is fully convinced in the Words of God. Faith believes that God’s word will not return void and that God is able to perform His word.
Faith believes that God raised Jesus Christ up from the dead. Faith gives us peace with God because we choose to believe in Him. Faith is transformative and forges new paths to propel us to our God-given destination. Faith is God’s spiritual gift to us that might establish and encourage us. Faith abides in God and it is obedient to His will. Faith never questions God but trusts Him unequivocally. Faith stands for righteousness, justice and integrity. Faith does not compromise with anything not of God. Faith is always grateful and gives God “the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and declares His works with rejoicing,” see Psalm 107:22. Faith delights in God and in His Word, His laws and His principles and does not listen to the dissenting voices of the world. Faith is always spiritually minded and is full of life and peace. We have become “sons of God as we are led by God’s Spirit”, ( Romans 8:14). We are the children of God by adoption because of the sacrifice and crucible of the Cross. Faith waits with perseverance despite the mutability of the seasons of life. Faith in God allows us to “present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God and we do not conform to the dictates of this world, but follow what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God,” (Romans 12:1-2). We are to receive each other, especially those who are weak in the faith and we are not subjected to judgment or disputes. “Our faith is of the wisdom of God,” (1 Corinthians 2:5).
Fear stymies faith. It becomes inoperable or functional. Faith is our servant and it works for us in the fertile ground of patience. According to James chapter one, verse two: ”My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, (3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. (4) But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” We know patience, and love are intimately linked with Faith. We need our love-walk to be in good standing for our faith to work and we need patience in the waiting seasons of life. James also reminded us our faith will not work without the works of faith. For example, if there is another believer who is in desperate need and we choose to give him or her our platitudes instead of helping them when they are naked, or destitute of daily food, and we do nothing this is “dead faith.” Remember it is our faith in action that truly pleases God. Divine faith creates, builds up, and speaks to the end result. So, let us endeavor to have faith in God.
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