The Great Alignment: Episode #25 ASCENSION IS AN INSIDE JOB..

1 year ago

Today’s show is special because we’ve invited another PSYCHOSOMATIC TEACHER to join the conversation on what ASCENSION is.

Many still think it’s ascending to somewhere else, that it’s something outside of us. When we look at the energy flow in the Chakra system within the BodyMind, we understand that ascension is first an inside job.

Take a listen and feel into where you are in your ascension process.

Much of this valuable information is shared in Carole’s FREE ebook, The Body Never Lies. You can hop onto her site and download the FREE book today and go deeper with understanding yourself.

Christy Foster is a CranioSacral therapist and a pioneering educator, speaker, and
mentor in BodyMind Integration. She specializes in teaching Health and Wellness practitioners on how to interpret the subconscious language of the body through the Psychosomatic Process. Christy is the first certified teacher of the Psychosomatic Therapy Process in the United States by The Lightworkers Institute (Carole Maureen Friesen) and the Psychosomatic Therapy College, Australia. Her insight and guidance is derived from her 25 years of practical application and education in advanced therapeutic techniques, including CranioSacral Therapy, Emotional Release Trigger Point Therapy, Spinal Touch Therapy, Licensed Massage Therapy, and Energetic-balancing Techniques.


Kelly Love is Master Level trained in Psychosomatic Psychology and currently in her Teaching Diplomacy, she's also been trained in integrative trauma release, embodied healing arts and Reiki. Kelly's love, dedication and passion for her work was birthed from becoming the victor over her own complex trauma experiences. She combines her "School of Hard Knocks" experience and professional training to guide others into courageously seeing their truth, radically aligning to love, and rising into their Soul's expression. It's time to get in touch with your body and your nature, because this is where your power is at.

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