Behind the Scenes: Southern Illinois VRBO Rustic Cabin Build Update - DIY Progress

1 year ago

NOV 26, 2023! It's been a bit since we did an update on our Southern Illinois VRBO cabin build update so join us for an up to the minute update to see how the progress is coming along. In today's update we'll join Sharon on Thanksgiving weekend as she puts in a full 4 day weekend of work on her ongoing DIY rustic cabin projects and get a hands on, behind the scenes look at how she builds the DIY fireplace mantel and the DIY rustic bathroom vanity and sink, by using a custom cut Pecan slab for the DIY bathroom vanity counter. The DIY fireplace mantel is now ready for stone, as she has the concrete board all in place. She had to order the synthetic stone so it won't be in for another week or so, but I am pretty excited to see how that DIY fireplace mantel setup turns out! We did get the custom Red Cedar fireplace mantel top in place though, and while it does look a little awkward now, I think once she gets the stone and mortar on it will make it really pop! Thanks for joining us and stay tuned for future updates as well as all of our land management projects, Kioti tractor projects, bobcat mini excavator projects, land investing, food plotting, land improvement projects, wildlife habitat improvement projects, Can Am ATV riding and land projects, and much more country living adventure. #kapperoutdoors #kapperoutdoors2 #kappervlog #southernillinoisland #southernillinois #cabinbuild #rusticcabin #cabinlife #cabinlifestyle #vrbo #vrbocabin #cabinrentals

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