REESE Report - California

1 year ago

DID YOU KNOW that when Governor Jerry Brown was elected in 2011, California’s state budget was $98 billion with the state’s population at a little over 38 million people. Brown doubled the budget up to $199.3 billion – with no measurable increase in population.

Governor Gavin Newsom inherited Brown’s $199.3 billion budget and has grown it to $330 billion in just 5 years – while losing population.

Where is all of that new spending going? Food for thought.
It seems fitting to reshare this piece by Greg Reese on the four families of California: Newsom, Brown, Pelosi & Feinstein

Their connections date back at least 80 years to when Jerry Brown’s father, Pat Brown, ran for San Francisco district attorney, losing in 1939 but winning in 1943, with the help of his close friend and Gavin Newsom’s grandfather, businessman William Newsom. (This isn't even the half of it)

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