Could Hillary Clinton Be Democrats' New Choice for 2024? True Desperation Sets In 11-27-2023

1 year ago

Could Hillary Clinton Be Democrats' New Choice for 2024? True Desperation Sets In 11-27-2023
Hey. We had a Fake Joe Biden.
Why don't we Run that Fake Hillary we have?
November 27, 2023
Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP
President Joe Biden is fading in the polls for the 2024 elections, and Democrat voters are now showing who their top candidate could be: Hillary Clinton. If they get their way, we could see a repeat of the 2016 elections, with yet another face-off between former President Donald Trump and Ms. Clinton. In other news, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is facing sexual assault allegations, through a one-year legal exemption that allowed a former lawsuit against President Trump. In this episode of Crossroads, we’ll discuss these topics and others, and answer questions from the audience.
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