Dr. Ryan Cole: Post-Vaccination Immune suppression and the rise of "turbo cancers”

1 year ago

See the FULL interview: https://rumble.com/v3yahem-dr.-ryan-cole-dna-contamination-and-post-vaccination-rise-in-cancers-autoim.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

Dr. Ryan Cole: Post-Vaccination Immune suppression and the rise of "turbo cancers”

"Turbo Cancer," you know it's a term Dr. Ute Krüger out of Sweden...She was the one that coined the term.

She's a breast pathologist and she was looking at the damage of these shots.

What she was looking at in her practice as a breast pathologist, she was noticing increases in cancer just like I was.
I had commented on it.

And then a couple months later, a couple other pathologists in the world started commenting and she noticed an uptick, not only the size of the cancers, but the stage of the cancers.

Instead of just getting, you know, a lesion taken out, one was finding lymph nodes and spread to the liver and spread to the bone marrow and spread to the brain.

She was seeing these cancers behave in a manner that she hadn't before, which as I've as I've traveled the world and spoken with many oncologists, physicians around the world, everywhere I go, I hear the story.

I was here last week, where we are now in Texas, one of the very prominent oncologists here in Texas that I've stayed in communication with.

He stayed kind of quiet behind the scenes, which is good, doing his job, he said, "At first I saw the clots, then I saw the blood cancers, the leukemias, the lymphomas.

Now I'm seeing the solid tissue cancers at rates I've never seen.
Patients that were stable or cancer free 1,2,5,10 years.
Their cancer is back.
It's back with a vengeance.
And it's not responding to the traditional therapies and there's an easy explanation as to why that's happening.

It's not necessarily that the gene sequences [are] causing cancer; It can, it can cause some of the mutations that lead to cancers.

But what it's also doing, it's suppressing the immune system, and your immune system is what kills cancer.

And if your immune system is asleep, your killer cells can't be activated.
It doesn't matter what poison and chemotherapy one throws at a tumor if the immune system isn't going to come in and play its puzzle-piece mopping-up game that it's supposed to play to help kill those cells and then clean them out.

And I think this is what the oncologists are seeing that I've talked to.

And that's my big concern on top of the other concerns is OK, not only do we have these these subtle inflections happening as predicted, but we have the immune suppression and then we have traditional therapies that are gone because there's not the response one would expect.

In fact, before we came up here to do this interview, I was chatting with a lovely gal who has a breast cancer that's back and we were going through this very same question, and this is real on a one to one, human to human to human level.

"My dad got the shots, he was a veteran and his doctor said, and he was a good soldier and he did, and his prostate cancer that was suppressed for 10 years, he died from it." You know, things like that.

And that "turbo," it's a colloquial term, and the other doctor, "there's no such thing"...of course there's no such thing as "turbo cancer." It's a colloquial term, but it describes the pattern that physicians are seeing.
So it puts it into a layman's understanding


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