END TIMES #32: Refuting Dispensationalism | Why Psalm 83 is NOT a Prophecy

1 year ago

With the conflict happening in the Middle East many are quickly appropriating the words of scripture to the world headlines. One popular topic today is the “Psalm 83 War” or “Psalm 83 Conflict” that supposedly is foretold in Psalm 83. Yet close analysis proves that Psalm 83 is not a prophecy at all but rather written for the Israelites of King David’s time. But if this is the case, what do we make of those misinterpreting these words for their own agenda?

No End Times position is correct. I know because I was deceived, so I’ve distilled over 200 hours of work and research into a “Narrow Road” approach to the unfolding events that aligns with scripture and history.

Learn the truth below:



Psalm 83 Is Not a Prophecy

What happened to Tyre?

00:00 - Introduction
08:51 - End Times Markers in Bible Prophecy
19:04 - Psalm 83 Review
21:42 - Historical Context of Psalm 83
26:17 - Objection: 10 Nations/Kingdoms
37:54 - Final Thoughts

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