WTF Happened to Blue Velvet?

1 year ago

If you had to name the most original filmmaker of the last half-century, what’s the first name that comes to mind? David Cronenberg? Wes Anderson? Maybe Werner Herzog or the Coen brothers? While all of them are certainly worthy contenders, it’s hard to argue against the lasting merits of David Lynch, the truly unique cinematic surrealist who has been tormenting audiences with nightmarishly vexing material since his feature film debut Eraserhead in 1977. Indeed, few filmmakers have become name brands unto themselves in the way Lynch’s name evokes a particular type of psychological moviegoing experience. And while he’s worked in many different genres in his career with varying results, no one explores the nature of dreams and the human subconscious like Lynch has repeatedly done throughout his filmography. Moreover, as seen in his tour-de-force 1986 neo-noir mystery Blue Velvet, Lynch has an uncanny knack for digging beneath the idyllic facade of small-town America and exposing the seedy underbelly that often lies beneath.

It’s through that lens that we’ll fondly look back and discover what inspired the movie, how it was developed, what went into the casting, what memorable accidents and anecdotes occurred during production, how the film was shaped in the editing process, and what was left on the cutting room floor. In fact, we’ve got a lot more in store when we crack a Heineken…scratch that…a Pabst Blue Ribbon and find out What The F*** Happened to Blue Velvet!

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