Jesus tried and true

10 months ago

Jesus was put on trial. The Sanhedrin accused him to the Roman authorities of having declared himself to be King. The very thing the Sanhedrin was trying to end, the idea of Jesus as King was then established by the Roman authority. Pilate declared that Jesus is King of the Jews. Psalm 2 and Mark 15 go together as King David foresaw this event.
Jesus was crucified on Golgotha, the place of the skull. Ron Wyatt claimed back in the 1980's to have found the ark of the covenant directly under where the cross of Christ would have been planted in the chiseled rock. While his claim to this discovery is hotly contested it is very intriguing. If the ark really is buried in Golgotha, wouldn't this be a fitting place for the Jewish temple to be built without having to disturb the Mosque?
God said that he would set his King on the Holy hill of Zion. The next verse declares that this king would be the only begotten Son of God. Jesus was raised up on the Holy Hill of Zion with a sign by the highest civilian authority in the world, the Roman Empire, placed on his cross, declaring Jesus to be the King of the Jews.

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