Two Tier Policing - Have the Police lost all public respect?

10 months ago

It seems that Tommy Robinson at least got one great birthday present and that was proving that there is without doubt a two tier policing system. Personally I am disgusted at the way the police have handled things for many years now. We had the useful idiots taking the knee, driving around in rainbow emblazoned panda cars, taking part in simulated sex acts at Notting Hill and a whole host of other nonsense whilst also acting as foot soldiers (Brown Boots for the establishment) and persecuting the common man for standing up for what is right. You can call for a Jihad, desecrate our treasured monuments and call for the eradication of Israel but heck, turn up in support of the Jewish people in London and get pepper sprayed just for being present. There is something very, very, very wrong and I feel the police have now overstepped the mark and are losing public support.

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