ON DEMAND! **Stay Alert #1**: Nov.27 '23 - Terror Attacks on US, as soon as Dec 7, 2023 . . . start: (0:50), length: (43:39)

Streamed on:

Rumble Broadcast & Replay: http://rumble.com/user/L4Atv1
Guest Speaker: Robert Beverly - Texas Defense Force Security - https://txdf.org/
Host: Glen Macko - creator of L4Atv1 Rumble Channel (L4A => Love For All)
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We believe Terrorists love to commit large violent attacks on important dates in History against the nation being targeted, and on national religious holidays. Dec. 7th may be such a day for extremist terrorism against the US.

December 7, 2023 is clearly one of those banner days, historically. Of concern, there is a window of terrorist opportunity, up to five days prior and nine days after that date. Here's why:

A. Dec. 7, 2023 is the first night of Channukah, the Jewish Holiday that celebrates the ancient retaking of the Temple and Jerusalem from invaders, in one of the first recorded fights for religious freedom in human history and the success of this fight by the Israelites.

B. Dec. 7, 2023 is the Anniversary of the Imperial Japanese Fleet's Surprise attack on America, on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941, in which thousands of Americans were killed by Japanese Bombers and Torpedo Planes. Dozens of ships of the American Naval fleet docked there were burned, sank or capsized, killing thousands more, and starting the World War 2 in the Pacific..

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2,403 U.S. personnel, including 68 civilians, and destroyed or damaged 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships. The three aircraft carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet were out to sea on maneuvers.

It seems likely December 7 may be one of those dates Terrorists find to be a most appealing day to attack the US.

Remain Alert, keep a full tank of gas, extra water and dried foods, cold weather clothing and blankets at the ready for the whole 8 Days of Channukah 2023, Dec.7-Dec.16: some times terrorists wait till the last day of a holiday, as they did on Oct. 7, 2023 to surprise attack Israel on the final day of The Sukkot Festival, an important week of peaceful celebration for Jews.

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