I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts by X ~ Turn Off the NOISE of the 'Out There' World...

10 months ago

X is the Best and Most Iconic American 'Punk Rock' Band that came out of the Late Seventies, where Rock Music began to savagely attack not only Organized Society, but Politics and Politicians as well...

The Music and Direction of the Band, X, came from its Two Principle Songwriters, one time Boyfriend and Girlfriend, John Doe and Exene Cervenka...and what set their Brilliant Songs apart from most other 'Punk Rock' Bands, was their never-ending Focus upon Going Within the Mind to escape All of the Sin, Distractions and Temptations of the 'Out There' World...without a doubt, they focused their lyrics upon the Desire to Discover God within ourselves, and to Never Trust the proverbial 'Hands of Man', and this Song was no different...

I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts describes a World on Fire, a World of NOISE, of Anger, of Distraction and of Violence, which was the World in the Eighties...and so beautifully within the Song, they laid out the Path that we Must All take to Find Peace of Mind, by Going Within...

'The facts we hate,
We'll never meet
Walking down the road
Everybody yelling, "hurry up, hurry up",
But I'm waiting for you,
I must go slow,
I must not think bad thoughts
What is this world coming to?
Both sides are right,
But both sides murder,
I give up
Why can't they?

I must not think bad thoughts,
I must not think bad thoughts,
I must not think bad thoughts...'

In this First Verse and Chorus above, John Doe and Exene Cervenka lay out perfectly the World around us, where Everything goes Fast, on purpose, Everything is Loud, Everything is Confusing, and Everything is Distracting...but they KNOW that We Must 'Go Slow' and Take No Bad Thoughts, which is referencing both God and The Way of Jesus Christ...the Strait and Narrow Way of FOCUS, of Caring and Virtue, versus Selfish Greed and Sin that Society pushing upon us, Noisily, Every Single Moment of Every Single Day...

And Finally, they revealed how so much was just an endless parade of Lies perpetrated upon us by Society, and how these Lies led us to 'Going in the Wrong Direction', which is precisely why they referenced the King of Truth in Music, Woody Guthrie...

'Astronauts go back in time to hang out with the cave people
It's about time
It's about space
It's about some people in the strangest places
Woody Guthrie sang about
B-E-E-T-S, not B-E-A-T-S..'

They want us to Be - LIE - ve in an Out There World, filled with AstroNOTs, Linear Time and Space, and us evolving from Apes, when Woody Guthrie wrote Songs about things that were Simple, Truthful and Mattered, like B - E - E - T - S, not Beats...and this is precisely the Reason for the Title of the Song, which is to NOT Fall into their Trap of 'Bad Thoughts', Negativity, and Despair, and to Stay STRONG upon Christ's Path that surely leads to Heaven in Truth and in Silence...

With Great Love,


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So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

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Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Justin Carpenter:

Aaron X Jesse:


Enjoy, Love, CF

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