SoulCast - It's Time To Speak Up

1 year ago

Hello Soul Family,

I hope this week’s message finds each one of you doing well, moving forward in love and joy. For the past several weeks you have been guided to be the bird up in the tree observing the events happening around you. Now you are being asked to take an action step which is to speak up with the truth.

The time has come for you in a loving and kind way express the truth of what you know to those who may be asleep to the facts and revelations that are coming to light more rapidly. Be there for your loved ones, be a shoulder to lean on. Do not force it, but plant seeds of truth when the opportunity presents itself.

People are discovering that many celebrities, the mainstream media, corporate leaders, professional athletes, etc., are not who they thought they were and will be very let down and disappointed to realize they are frauds.

By sharing love with the people you come in contact with, will go a long way in changing the collective energy on the planet. As you strive to raise your vibration, your energy will have a subconscious affect based on your higher frequency that will begin to silently impact them for the better.

Stand in your authority and authenticity as you speak truth. Stand firm in your boundaries and no longer allow others to disempower you or belittle you because of your truth. Please recognize that there is a lot of emotional charge out there right now, so remain in emotional neutrality, don’t take anything personally as people are very stressed out and running on overwhelm.

You have a lot on your plate right now as you go through these many changes, so please be kind to yourself, and ask Spirit for those things that you need. Communicate your feelings, your truth and beliefs to Spirit and loved ones.

If you would like some personal one-on-one assistance, please reach out to me at so we can schedule an appointment for Soul Coaching, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing and Clearing.

Also, if you are interested in Getting Healthy, Helping Others and Financially Thriving please email me at and put Healthy and Strong in the subject line. We can then schedule an appointment where I can show you what I’m doing to see if this Opportunity is a good fit for you.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Questions:
• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

I send you many blessings of love as you move forward with sharing truth this week.

Much Love,

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