Please help us kick off our 2023 Angel Tree Christmas Campaign and help bless a prisoner’s child with a personal gift, the Gospel delivered and a personal message from their incarcerated parent.

1 year ago

During this holiday season, there are hundreds of thousands of children who, through no fault of their own, will be without a Mom or Dad. However, with just a $25 gift, you can make Christmas special for one boy or girl. Alternatively, you can bring joy to five kids by contributing $125. The most crucial aspect is that we all contribute something to make a positive difference in these children's lives.

Click here to donate:

You can call my special donation number: It is (888) 206-2788…that’s (888) 206-2788. Or just go to MIKE and click on the ANGEL TREE banner to bless a child this Christmas. And THANK YOU! (November 27, 2023)

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