Oliver Stone | Bill”Red Shoes”Maher (Ukraine) | Check Description

1 year ago

Oliver Stone | Ukraine 🇺🇦

Anyone catch the Bill Maher & Oliver Stone interview? Oliver Stone knows what’s going on but Maher will trigger your loss of brain cells. He mocks & ridicules Stone because it’s obvious Stone believes 2020 was indeed fraudulent. Bill continuously says “let’s not talk about Putin” because Stone’s interview with Putin threw everything we’ve been told about Putin out the window.

I’ve continuously asked, since March 2022(when it began), every fren & patriot to take the time to research & learn more about the coup, color revolution, & regime change we carried out in Ukraine 2014.

Or at the least check out Ukraine on Fire which is Oliver Stone’s documentary about most of those things. It’s on our Bitchute because I’ve uploaded it to rumble a few times but it keeps getting taken down due to copyright. If you have the time I couldn’t recommend it more..

Ukraine On Fire 🔥

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