UN Chief Flew (Private Jet) To Antarctica And Warned About Dire Consequences Of Burning Fossil Fuels

1 year ago

Considering how many climate change alarmists there are in the world who use private jets to travel around the world telling everybody how the burning of fossil fuels has created an existential crisis, "man-made global warming" might end up being one of the biggest self-fulfilling prophecies of all time. But we're supposed to think that's just fine, because jet-set eco-alarmists "offset" their hypocrisy, as "climate czar" John Kerry explained earlier this year: “REPORTER: "People who go to Davos to talk about climate change fly private…" - JOHN KERRY: "They offset and they are working harder than most people I know to be able to try to effect this transition."” https://twitter.com/i/status/1640105818518323203

The wealthy can continue to fly private even though they say the burning of fossil fuels is creating an existential crisis because they participate in "offset" shams. Still, the rest of us will be expected to give up gas stoves, lawnmowers and meat consumption to subsist on a diet of bugs while living in "smart cities" to help them "save the planet." This brings me to the United Nations Secretary-General, who is in the "club" with John Kerry, Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio and the other "do as we say, not as we do" elites. This clown flew to Antarctica to have a good backdrop from which to try and frighten everybody about what's going to happen if we don't stop using fossil fuels. António Guterres: “In Antarctica, I saw for myself & heard from scientists how ice loss is accelerating in dangerous ways. Climate change is wreaking havoc. Fossil fuels are the main culprit. At #COP28, leaders must act to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C & end the fossil fuel age.”

We should have ended fossil fuels while he was still there. “Without fossils fuels I wouldn’t be able to fly here and tell you to stop using fossil fuels.” -- “I flew on a private jet to the South Pole with a production crew to record myself telling you to stop emitting so much carbon.” Think of the tons of fossil fuels that were burned so that the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres could go gallivanting around Antarctica. But Guterres will plant a tree when he gets back, or something. -- Once you see it, it is hard to unsee it: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_0ptzwXUAAEJ5G?format=jpg&name=medium -- lol… a single volcanic eruption dwarfs all cow farts in history… find more suckers in the EU. The next Republican president and GOP-controlled Congress needs to defund the U.N., kick them out of New York City and use that building as a location for an Eco-Hypocrisy Museum. -- "It's too warm!" - guy in a winter coat and hat, surrounded by ice.

That video just reeks of a "give the U.N. all your money or the ice gets it!"

Twitchy: Guy Surrounded By Ice, Bundled Up In Winter Coat, Hat Says End Fossil Fuels To Stop Global Warming

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