DOJs Latest Travesty

10 months ago

In American courtrooms our system of justice is depicted as a young woman, lady Liberty for all we know, wearing a blindfold and carrying a set of evenly balanced scales, symbolizing fair and equal treatment for all under the law. As a people, we expect and demand equality throughout the entire judicial process…from investigations to appeals. On all levels, but especially the federal level, blind impartiality is essential to maintaining confidence of the American people in our judicial system.
We often have referred to Joe Biden’s Department of IN-Justice as a tongue-in-cheek jab at the dual standards which clearly exist…one for the politically connected, well-to-do and a much harsher code for the common, “irredeemable” rabble that only Donald Trump and their mothers can love. Knowing the right people and espousing the right positions buys you the golden ticket. We have long suspected that you can, quite literally, get away with murder if you have the proper bloodlines or come from Arkansas.
But today’s storyline investigates the DOJ treatment accorded to a 75-year-old pro-life advocate from Massachusetts, and her eight fellow prisoners of conscience, convicted of obstructing an abortion clinic under the 1993 FACE Act. Such selfless actions could potentially land each of these nine federal convicts in jail for up to 11 years and fine them as much as 250-thousand dollars apiece.
“Well and good,” you say. “They broke the law and deserve punishment.”
Alright, then. Why has Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice done nothing to back up the U.S. Capitol Police after they were attacked by a crowd of 200 unruly, pro-Palestinian rioters on November 15th? The anarchists attempted to storm the Democratic National Committee building in Washington D.C. as liberal lawmakers were gathered inside. Violent protestors assaulted officers with pepper spray, blocked exits with dumpsters, and tried moving a bike rack during their efforts to break through a police line.
Six officers were injured in the melee but only one arrest was made by Capitol Police.
That, too, was curious.
When questioned, a DOJ official told Fox News his office would “carefully evaluate” criminal referrals from local authorities for possible criminal prosecution. The event occurred on November 15th. But at present, any pending federal paperwork sits on a shelf, leaving leftist DOJ spokesmen with little to do.
Oh…other than gloating over the conviction of a 75-year-old, pro-life grandmother from Massachusetts, whose only real crime was standing up for human life.!/donation/checkout

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