Vers l'Avenir - Anthem of Rex

10 months ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Well, first and foremost I would like to thank my comrades Anscharius Linitextor, Daniel and Barry for helping me so greatly with this one in special. You are the very best!

The Rexist Movement, or Rex for short, was a Catholic political party in Belgium, modelled after the Italian Blackshirts and the Spanish Falange, as well as Charles Maurras' French Integralism. Its national agenda was heavily against both communism, capitalism and democracy in general, advocating a corporatist system of the likes of Italy.
Léon Degrelle, its leader, considered Belgium to be the successor to the defunct Kingdom of Burgundy, often using the Burgundy Cross ostensively in his rallies. Degrelle later formed the Walloon Legion with his Rex comrades and countrymen. He fought in the Eastern Front, surviving the war and becoming one of the fiercest advocates of the now forfeit Axis Powers until his death in 1994.
He was notably friends with cartoonist Hergé, who drew inspiration from him to create his Tintin character, due to Degrelle's past as a journalist.


Le siècle marche et pose ses jalons,
Nous marquont une étape nouvelle.
Nous le suivons et nous nous rappelons
Nos aïeux et leur gloire immortelle.
Si ton sol est petit, dans un monde nouveau
L'avenir qui t'appelle a planté ton drapeau.

Marche joyeux, peuple énergique,
Vers des destins dignes de toi.
Dieu protège la libre Belgique
Et son Roi !

Ô terre sainte, ô terre des aïeux,
Leurs sueurs et leur sang t'ont pétrie,
Et loin ou près sauront leurs fils pieux
Honorer, élargir la Patrie.
Si des frères s'en vont, il en est par milliers
Qui, fidèles gardiens, défendront tes foyers.

Va sans faiblir, peuple énergique,
Vers des destins dignes de toi.
Dieu saura protéger la Belgique
Et son Roi !

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