Fun with Gun Stats-2023

10 months ago

Okay, we admit it.
We chose that title because we knew it would hack off some liberals.
But we couldn’t help but smile when we saw the latest, national and international gun stats released at Zero Hedge dot com by ammo dot com. Here we go…2023 firearm stats in a nutshell.
No surprises here, but the United States of America led every nation in the world for both guns owned per capita…over 120 guns per 100 people…and the percentage of global gun ownership at 46 percent. If you absolutely NEED to know the numbers, there are more than 393 million known firearms kept in the USA. That means we beat number two on the list, India, by about 383 million guns.
So, the Indians got outgunned again. Not, the American Indians…well, you know what we mean.
We told you it would be fun.
As for the top five states for gun ownership, Number One Montana boasted a whopping 65 point 7 percent of the populace, followed by Wyoming, Alaska, Idaho, and West Virginia, landing at number five. As might be expected, the five states containing the fewest legally owned firearms in 2023 are all dark blue states politically. They are number 46, New York, then Hawaii, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and “bottom of the gun barrel” New Jersey, where a measly 8 point 9 percent of the residents carry heat.
So, if the gun grabbers are correct, and gun ownership rates can be linked directly to firearm-related homicides, how is it that conservative red states, with the highest rates of gun ownership nationally, comprise just point 8 percent of all reported gun deaths in America, while liberal blue states (where gun ownership percentages are far less) reported 4 percent of the nation’s gun related deaths?
That’s five times as many deaths in liberal-run localities.
Might it be that guns don’t kill people, after all? That actually, it’s people who kill people…with or without guns?
But revisiting that crazy stat at the top of our report, showing that there were over 120 guns in the hands of every 100 U.S. citizens, can you imagine what it might be like for any army (military or civilian) to invade the United States and threaten our land and its people? They wouldn’t stand a chance, unless their accomplices in Congress ever succeed in disarming our “well-regulated militia.” That’s you and me.!/donation/checkout

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