Did You Know THIS about the Sun?

10 months ago

Niels Reiberg Finsen began using sunlight as a treatment for primarily two diseases: smallpox and tuberculosis of the skin (due to lack of Vitamin D). He also discovered that UV radiation benefited those who had been diagnosed with lupus vulgaris, a skin condition. As I mentioned, he ended up winning a Nobel Prize for his work in 1903, a year before he passed away.

Between him and Dr. Auguste Rollier, they found that heliotherapy can actually have an enormous amount of benefits, including:

Helping with acne, psoriasis, burns, eczema, and other skin disorders
Regulating muscular stimulation and relaxation
Improving Seasonal Affective Disorder
Lowering high blood pressure
Decreasing high cholesterol
Lowering high blood sugar in diabetics
Increases white blood cell counts
Improved cardiac output
Improved blood oxygen carrying capacity
Reducing body odor
Boosting the body’s immune system
Boosts metabolism
Reducing bacteria count by as much as 50% from infections
Decontaminating blood transfusions
Improving DNA repair
Irradiating the blood of cancer patients
Improving symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia (neonatal jaundice)
Improved kidney function

By 1933, the two of them recorded over 165 different diseases that could benefit from sunlight exposure.

One can argue that sunlight is actually the most powerful broad-spectrum medicine on the planet.

There’s more about the science behind this in my new book: How to Get World Class Sleep!

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